Sunday School + Music
Children in Worship
Children are always welcome to join our Sunday morning services with their families in person or via virtual streaming.
Need to soothe a fussy baby or let a restless child roam? You are welcome to use our Hope Room in the Sanctuary. An usher can direct you. The service can be seen and heard from the Hope Room.
Little Church
During worship, children of all ages will be invited down to the front of the church for a brief children’s sermon. You are welcome to come down with them as well.
When the children’s sermon ends, one of our adult leaders will escort the kids to room 5 in the West Building for Little Church. Little Church is a worship-centered experience built specifically for our kids and is led by background checked staff and members. On Sundays when Communion is celebrated, the children will be brought back into the Sanctuary so they can participate in the sacrament alongside you.
If you or your child does not wish to participate in Little Church, that’s totally okay. They can simply return and sit with you in the pews after the children’s sermon.
At the conclusion of worship, you may pick up your child from West 5, or you may allow them to stay there for a snack, some playtime, and for Children’s Sunday School.
Children's Sunday School
Our Children’s Sunday School class also meets in West 5, and you may pick up and sign out your child at 12:15 pm.
While your child is in Sunday School, you are welcome to attend an Adult Christian Education Class or renew at our Parent Sabbath Hour lounge located upstairs in the Activities & Education Building (A&E). Note: Parents must remain on the campus during the children’s Sunday School hour.
If you have any questions about children’s ministry programs here at Hope Presbyterian Church, please email Pastor John at, or call 512-258-9117 x215.
Nursery Care
The Nursery of Hope Presbyterian Church is here to provide a safe, nurturing, temporary environment for children while their parents and families attend church services, classes and programs. The nursery is offered for children 18 months until their fourth birthday.
Children's Choirs
Joy Choir (grades K-2) and Jubilation Choir (Grades 3-5) meets every Wednesday during the school year from 6-6:30 p.m. in W3. Click Here to message Julie Boltz for more information.
for Participating Children & Youth
with Children & Youth Ministries
Are you looking for ways to grow in your faith and follow Jesus by serving others? Do you feel comfortable with a little bit of chaos? We’re always looking for people who can serve as sponsors and mentors for our children’s and youth ministries. Working with children and youth puts volunteers on the cutting edge of what the church is doing and offers a phenomenal opportunity to put faith into action. Applicants need not have teaching experience, but are expected to participate in the life of Hope Presbyterian Church and model faithful Christian behavior. Interested? Please contact Pastor Joel.
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