Children’s Ministry


Christan Formation + Music

Children in Worship

Children are always welcome to join our Sunday morning services with their families in person or via virtual streaming.

If your little one is having difficulty in service, feel free to use our Hope Room in the narthex of the Sanctuary or you can take them to the Nursery located in the Fellowship Building. An usher can direct you.

Acolyte Program

Children are an integral part of the worshipping life of Hope Presbyterian Church. Children who are at least in 2nd grade and have been trained may serve as acolytes.

Acolytes light the candles and offer the Prayer for Illumination during Sunday morning worship. 

Contact Pastor Krystal at if you have any questions.

Little Church

During worship, children of all ages will be invited down to the front of the church for a brief children’s sermon. You are welcome to come down with them as well.

When the children’s sermon ends, one of our adult leaders will escort the kids to room 7 in the Fellowship Center for Little Church. Little Church is a worship-centered experience built specifically for our kids and is led by background-checked staff and members. On Sundays when Communion is celebrated, the children will be brought back into the Sanctuary to participate in the sacrament alongside their families

If you or your child does not wish to participate in Little Church, that’s okay. They can simply return and sit with you in the pews after the children’s sermon.

At the conclusion of worship, you may pick up your child from Fellowship Center room 7.

Nursery Care

The Nursery of Hope Presbyterian Church is here to provide a safe, nurturing environment for children while their parents and families attend church services, classes, and programs. The nursery is offered for children until Kindergarten-aged.

Children's Choirs

Praise Pals (ages 3-5) meets each Wednesday during the school year from 5:30-6:00 in West Building room 3.

Joy Choir (grades K-2) and Jubilation Choir (Grades 3-5) meet every Wednesday during the school year from 6-6:45 p.m. in West Building room 3.

Contact our Assistant Director of Music, Julie Boltz at with any questions.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is an annual event for the children in our community! Registration will open in the spring before the summer VBS. More information can be found here


for Participating Children & Youth


with Children & Youth Ministries

Youth and children thrive when they have healthy home environments and at least one adult they know they can turn to. At Hope Presbyterian Church, we foster thriving in our young people by extending the love of Jesus Christ to them. Consider volunteering without youth and children’s ministries and see how God can use you to make a big difference.

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