Hope Memorial Garden
A place of quiet reflection and joyful remembrance
Interment of cremains in the Hope Memorial Garden may be for current and former members and their loved ones, current and former staff, and at the discretion of the pastoral staff.
Written pre-arrangements for cremation, memorial services, and interment of cremains in the Hope Memorial Garden are not required, but pre-planning with a Hope pastor and the family is highly encouraged.
Cremation is performed by a crematory licensed by the state of Texas or by a crematory meeting the standards of a Texas license. There are no other state requirements other than those for cremation because Hope Presbyterian Church is a private property.
Containers for a loved one’s remains are not used. Ashes are poured into the ground. Hope Presbyterian church has a container, available through Cook Walden Chapel of the Hills, which may be used for interment services.
Once cremains are placed they will remain in the Hope Memorial Garden and cannot be removed. The cremains may not be placed in a particular spot. The family of the interred does not have any property rights in the Hope Memorial Garden. Property rights are retained by Hope Presbyterian Church.
Interment Services
All arrangements are made with a current Hope Presbyterian Church pastor. An interment service is an act of worship performed before interment of the cremains. This service may be private or incorporated into a memorial service. It is officiated by a current or formerly installed pastor or ruling elder of Hope Presbyterian Church, or another minister with the approval of the current pastor or Session of Hope Presbyterian Church.
A funeral/memorial service does not have to be held at Hope Presbyterian Church in order for interment of cremains in Hope Memorial Garden. Only an interment service is required.
A family may purchase a memorial name plate for an interred loved one. The name plate is a standard size and material furnished by Hope Presbyterian Church. It allows for the name, birth date, and death date. The name plate is placed on a plaque on the Remembrance Wall in the Hope Memorial Garden. The scripture on the Remembrance Wall reads:
The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. – Psalm 121:8
There is a fee covering the current cost of the name plate. Arrangements for ordering a plate are made through the Hope Office Coordinator.
Care of the Garden
Hope Presbyterian Church maintains historical records of those interred in the Hope Memorial Garden.
The Hope Memorial Garden Committee oversees the design, improvement and enduring care of this sacred space. Plants and hardscape for the garden and selected and installed by the Hope Memorial Garden Committee in accordance with the approved master plan.
Hope Memorial Garden Fund
There are no fees for interment in the Hope Memorial Garden.
Maintenance and improvements are funded by donations to the Hope Memorial Garden Designated Fund. Perpetual care of the garden will be funded by the income from the Memorial Garden Endowment Fund. Donations to either of these funds are invited and welcomed to sustain the beauty and dignity of the garden. You are welcome to donate here.