Unnamed Women of the Faith: The Woman of Shunem

In last Sunday’s sermon, we explored the story of the Woman from Shunem, whose unwavering faith and genuine hospitality remind us of the importance of being defined by our faith rather than our circumstances. She teaches us to offer support and compassion selflessly, to stay firm in our faith amidst life’s challenges, and to always find contentment in God’s presence. Let’s carry the spirit of the Shunammite woman with us this week, finding joy in how we fill our days and spreading God’s love through our actions. #SacredStories #SacredOther #GenerousListening #DivineCuriosity #ComeEagerBeActiveStayEngaged #HopeAustin #YouBelongHere #pcusa

Key points:

  1. We’re more than our jobs – ask “How do you fill your day?” instead of “What do you do?”
  2. The unnamed woman from Shunem shows us faith, hospitality, and contentment.
  3. Horatio Spafford’s story reminds us to find peace in God during life’s storms.
  4. We’re defined by our faith, not our circumstances.

🎨 Creative Corner: How can you show hospitality this week in a unique way? Let God’s love inspire your actions!

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